What We Believe

What we believe about the bible.

We believe the bible is God’s word. It was written by men whom God inspired and is his revealing of himself to man. It is perfect because it has God for its author, salvation as its primary message and truth without any error 2 Timothy 3:16-17. The bible is the final authority in all matters of belief and practice because the bible is inspired by God and bears the absolute authority of god himself. Whatever the bible affirms , Baptists accept as true. No human opinion or decree of any church group can override the Bible even creeds and confessions of faith which attempt top articulate the theology of scripture do not carry the scripture’s inherent authority 1 Thessalonians 2:13.

What we believe about the Church.

A New Testament Church of the ord Jesus Christ is an independent local congregation of baptized believer, associated by convenant in the faith and fellowship of the Gospel. The Church observes the two ordinances of Church, which are the Lord’s Supper and Baptism It is governed by the laws of God as depicted in the bible while exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in those who identify with it by the word of God, seeking to extend the gospel to the ends of the earth Acts 20:28.

We further believe that the local church is an independent body accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ, the head of the church. All human authority for governing the local church resides within the local church itself. Thus the church is autonomous or self governing. No religious hierarchy outside the local church may dictate a church’s beliefs or practices. Autonomy does not mean isolation. A Baptist church may fellowship with other churches around mutual interest and in associational tie, but a Baptist church cannot be a member of any other body Col. 1:15-18.

What we believe about the eternal security of the Believer.

All truly born again believers endure to the end . Those who god as accepted in Christ and sanctified by his holy spirit will never fall away for the state of grace nor can they lose God’s gift of eternal life They shall persevere until the end. John 10:28 Eph. 4:31.

What we believe about the second coming of Christ.

We believe that God in his own time and in his own way will bring the world to its appropriate conclusion. According to his word, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth. The dead will be raised and chirt will judge all men in righteousness according to God’s will. I Thessalonians 4:13-17,1 Cor.15:18-23Rev. 20:12-15

We believe in the trinity of God, that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are one. That they are distinct entities in a single narrative. Deut. 6:4Gen. 1:26John 10:30John 5:18John 8:58.Heb.6:10.

We believe that salvation is by God’s grace and his grace alone.It is God’s deliverance by grace from the punishment for sin which is granted to those who by faith accept God’s conditions for repentance and faith in Jesus Christ alone John 14:6Acts 4:12Eph 2:8-9. God saves through Jesus Christ John 3:16-17Romans 5:10. God saves by removing the penalty 2 Tim. 1:9Titus 3:5Romans 6:23-26John 1:292 Cor 5:21.

We believe in God’s Doctrine and definition of Sin.

Sin is missing the mark set by God.It is rebellion against God Isa. 1:22 Thess. 2:2-8 Sin is going our own way,doing our own will, transgressing or overstepping God’s holy law 1 john 3:4. It is falling short of the glory God intended for mankind 1 Cor. 1:31. The origin of sin is found in Gen.2:15-18, the effects of sin are immediate and lasting Gen 3:7-24, Sin effects the entire human race and character Rom. 3:9-18. Sin has an ending Rev. 14:13Eze. 28:11-19.